How to Beat the Bailiff in 10 Easy Steps

How to Beat the Bailiff in 10 Easy Steps

Being pursued by a debt collector or a bailiff can be one of the most traumatic and stressful experiences imaginable for an individual or family.

In the current economic climate more and more creditors are employing the services of such to recoup unpaid and defaulted debt.

Unlike the bank bail outs, their is little fiscal intervention accessible for those who do not have the means to pay.

With prized possession at stake, the below tried and tested strategies set out, will both educate the debtor in all areas of bailiff avoidance whilst significantly alleviating a major portion of the potential heartache applicable, should your possessions be under duress.

1. Temporarily take your name off the electoral register. The electoral register is the first place a bailiff will look to confirm you are whom they are seeking. Think of it as their telescopic sight on their magnum forty five.

2. Change the name plate on your property door and buzzer; this kills the scent from the seeking bloodhound.

3. Don’t leave any windows open, bailiffs are by law, allowed to enter a property via any stray or open window. Should they achieve such, they are permitted to either clobber you with an on the spot citation or more worryingly appraise and tax the properties goods for resale.

4. Close all blinds and curtains within your home and property. If they can’t get access to the internals of the property, they may look through the properties windows to case the internal goods eligibility for sale before coming back on a second visit with a van to collect.

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5. If you have a motor vehicle or car, I would strongly recommend that you place the car in exile at a hidden location. Similar to that witnessed by Napoleon Bonaparte departure to St Helena.

The reason why you should consider this option, is in case the creditor in sheer desperation tries to repossess the car or take a second charge on it. This can occur in the event that the creditor or bailiff fails to recoup the debt via your properties internal goods taxation.

6. Always communicate with bailiffs via email and in doing so, copy in all correspondence you send to them via your local MP’s office, senators office or lawyer. It is important that there is a solid communication stream collated should the dispute go nuclear.

7. If the bailiffs do inadvertently manage to get access to your property, by law they can only take non essential goods like TV’s and stereo’s.

A way to avoid getting these prized consumer goods taxed is to state that these items are in actual fact essential goods, critically required on a daily basis for your work as a media consultant. Obtain a letter from a friends media firm to corroborate this.

8. I would strongly urge that you withdraw any savings or monies you may hold from your bank account during any period of bailiff persueal.

This action will mitigate the horrendous possibility of having your bank account frozen or any attachment on earnings imposed.

Load the savings onto a series of pre pay master cards for daily monetary functioning.

Wages and salaries can also be loaded onto these master cards by your employer.

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9. lastly but most importantly, the best nugget I can arm you with during this period of duress, is to implement the successful bailiff avoidance technique I personally used as seen below.

The first thing you need to know about handling bailiffs, is that they are all trained in a technique called NLP or neuro linguistic programming, whereby they can read body language to interpret whether or not the debtor is telling them a big fat porky. Think of it like a poly graph test with out the electronics.

Let me demonstrate if I may.

Upon being confronted at my door with the opening line of ” Christopher Dorman”

The brains natural response is to auto pilot a “Yes” response when one is asked to confirm his or her name. This is basic psychology 101.

If you provide the affirmative Yes response, you will be immediately clobbered with a citation and court would be calling or worse, the bailiffs will enter the property and case your goods eligibility for repossession

To be fair it is a natural reaction to confirm your name, but unless you are asked by a police officer, you are not obligated by law to provide such data.

I therefore strongly recommend that you do the following.

Bailiff ” Christopher Dorman”

Debtor ” Afraid not pal, if you leave your name and number, I’ll forward it on to his new address though”

Providing you provide this response with beautiful nuance, you will avoid the wrath of the collector

only caveat in my aforementioned strategy, only applies if the monies are owed directly to either Her Majesties Inland Revenue or the IRS in the United States. If such money is owed to the prior, no bailff technique in thw world will be helpful.

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