Finance Job Trends For 2010

Finance Job Trends For 2010

For the many professionals in the finance field, 2009 was a chaotic period where pay cuts, increased work, and unemployment was the norm. However, with the new year, accounting, banking, and finance jobs are going to increase and improve across the board. Many experts believe …

A Look at Finance Directors

A Look at Finance Directors

In this article in our series of finance job profiles we will be looking at the role of a Finance Director. Finance Directors are seen as being the most influential when it comes to making finance decisions within a business or organisation. This role is …

Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance

Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance

Unfortunately, most people have neither the chance nor reason to travel frequently. They may travel during the holidays, on vacation, or because of a family emergency, but that is about it. On the other hand, there is a growing population that is forced to travel …

College Credit? Forget It!

College Credit? Forget It!

One of the major milestones of becoming an adult is taking responsibility for your finances. For many, that process really begins in college. You may have your first checking account and you will probably get a debit card. You will probably also be given the opportunity …